Start a Club.
Mentor at a Club.
Partner with a Club.
The DesignedByYouth team facilitates its STEAM focused curriculum daily to students of sPACE Afterschool. Students in the program range from grades K-8. Projects are of high interest to keep students engaged in their activities.
A full calendar of activities for the semester are available here.
DesignedByYouth can customize a program specific to the time constraints and needs of your students, school and program.
Please see a few examples below.
Popsicle Bridge Challenge
Build an Erupting Volcano
Design a Website
Popsicle Bridge Challenge
Partner: Western Addition Beacon
Grades: 6-8
Total Students: 40
Total Time: 3 hours
Program: 2 challenges / 1st with popsicle sticks, 2nd with a budget and flexible materials.
Location: sPACE Afterschool
Grades: K-8
Total Time: 3 hours
Directions: Build the structure of the volcano.
Decorate the volcano.
Mix the ingredients and let it blow.
Design a Website
Partner: John Muir Elementary School
Grade: 5
Total Time: 6 hours
Description: Learned basic HTML.
Created mockups and a sitemap for their website.
Created their website using a WYSIWYG.
Took photos to add to their site.
STEAM is hands-on curriculum that does more than just teach subject concepts.
Our STEAM project-based lessons encourage:
+Critical Thinking
+"Critical C's" - Collaboration, Cooperation and Communication
+Career Exploration staff are trained to foster self confidence and critical thinking skills in students.
Have your child can be exposed to our STEAM curriculum.
Contact us to discuss how to start implementing the STEAM initiative with your students.
Read more about STEAM
Schools Shift from STEM to STEAM [EdTech]
Gaining STEAM: Teaching Science Through Art [USNews]
STEM to STEAM: Art in K-12 is Key to Building a Strong Economy [Edutopia]